Canada's electoral history from 1867 to today

The PoliCan Photo Project

by Maurice Y. Michaud (he/him)

Let's find...As much as it was already easy to get drawn into the vastness of PoliCan, it is only when I started adding pictures of the individuals who are profiled that the site seemed to come alive. With more than 15,700 profiles, adding those pictures is a monumental undertaking on its own, yet for PoliCan, it is merely one of many "sub projects." This dashboard shows you my progress so far.

Overall progress
Profiles Verified (n or -1) With image (n) Without image (-1) Left to verify (0)
15,731 12,841 (81.63%) 10,823 (84.28%) 2,018 (15.72%) 2,890 (18.37%)
Specific progress
Only jurisdiction:
Profiles Verified (n or -1) With image (n) Without image (-1) Left to verify (0)
291 291 (100.00%) 229 (78.69%) 62 (21.31%) All verified! (0.00%)

© 2019, 2024 :: (Maurice Y. Michaud)
Pub.:  6 Jan 2024 09:00
Rev.: 24 Jul 2024 08:34 (but data presented dynamically)