Canada's electoral history from 1867 to today

François-Xavier Méthot
aliasFrançois-Xavier Méthot
67014 · 7240

Roman Catholic   1
Type of record
Elected candidate
Known but unelected candidate
Perennial candidate
Deceased Performance
Birth 10 November 1796 → 227 years + 7 months ago
Lived 56 years + 11 months
Death 6 November 1853 → 170 years + 8 months ago
Special notes
Not to be confused with his son.

Family tie with other documented individual
François-Xavier-O. Méthot (1843–1908) Son  

Electoral history

Race 0  
Path point 0  
Documented challenger


Online biographical references (3)

Bilingual references are counted as a single reference.  Retrieved on
EN Dictionary of Canadian Biography
Méthot, François-Xavier
 2 Dec 2023
FR Dictionnaire biographique du Canada
Méthot, François-Xavier
 2 Dec 2023
FR Quebec National Assembly
François-Xavier Méthot (père)
 2 Dec 2023
EN Wikipedia
François-Xavier Méthot
 2 Dec 2023

© 2019, 2024 :: (Maurice Y. Michaud)
Pub.: 22 Jun 2019 17:01
Rev.:  2 Dec 2023 17:21 (but data presented dynamically)