Canada's electoral history from 1867 to today

Édouard Burroughs Garneau
aliasÉdouard Garneau
69034 · 15676

Type of record
Elected candidate
Known but unelected candidate
Perennial candidate
Deceased Performance
Birth 18 January 1859 → 165 years + 5 months ago
Lived 52 years + 7 months
Death 18 August 1911 → 112 years + 10 months ago
Special notes
Édouard Burroughs Garneau (1859–1911)
© Photo 1900 Jules-Isaïe Benoît — Public domain
Family ties with other documented individuals
Némèse Garneau (1847–1937) Cousin  
Pierre Garneau (1823–1905) Father  

Election or appointment outside the scope of PoliCan

Canadian Senate
Legis. Council Québec (1904–1911) Died in office
Deputy Minister
Auto. Region
Mun./Co. Council
School Board

Electoral history

Race 0  
Path point 0  
Documented challenger


Online biographical references (4)

Bilingual references are counted as a single reference.  Retrieved on
FR Non-standard link
Assemblée nationale du Québec, Histoire: Édouard Burroughs Garneau
25 May 2024
EN Dictionary of Canadian Biography
Garneau, Édouard-Burroughs
25 May 2024
FR Dictionnaire biographique du Canada
Garneau, Édouard-Burroughs
25 May 2024
EN Find a Grave
Édouard Burroughs Garneau
25 May 2024
EN Wikipedia
Édouard Burroughs Garneau
25 May 2024

© 2019, 2024 :: (Maurice Y. Michaud)
Pub.: 22 Jun 2019 17:01
Rev.: 25 May 2024 20:25 (but data presented dynamically)