Canada's electoral history from 1867 to today

James Skead
aliasJames Skead
69028 · 15669

Type of record
Elected candidate
Known candidate
Perennial candidate
Deceased Performance
Birth 31 December 1816 → 207 years + 6 months ago
Lived 67 years + 6 months
Death 5 July 1884 → 139 years + 11 months ago
Special notes
James Skead (1816–1884)
© Photo — Public domain
Family tie with other documented individual
William M. Wright (1840–1882) Son-in-law

Elections or appointments outside the scope of PoliCan

Canadian Senate Ontario (1867–1881; 1881–1884) Died in office
Legis. Council
Deputy Minister
Auto. Region
Mun./Co. Council Ottawa, Ontario (1861–1862)
School Board

Electoral history

Race 0  
Path point 0  
Documented challenger


Online biographical references (2)

Bilingual references are counted as a single reference.  Retrieved on
EN Parliament of Canada (ParlInfo)
The Hon. James Skead, Senator
21 May 2024
FR Parlement du Canada (ParlInfo)
L'hon. James Skead, sénateur
21 May 2024
EN Wikipedia
James Skead
21 May 2024

© 2019, 2024 :: (Maurice Y. Michaud)
Pub.: 22 Jun 2019 17:01
Rev.: 21 May 2024 21:58 (but data presented dynamically)