Canada's electoral history from 1867 to today

René-Édouard Caron
aliasRené-Édouard Caron
68912 · 15633

Roman Catholic     
Type of record
Elected candidate
Known but unelected candidate
Perennial candidate
Deceased Performance
Birth 20 October 1800 → 223 years + 8 months ago
Lived 76 years + 1 month
Death 13 December 1876 → 147 years + 6 months ago
Special notes
René-Édouard Caron (1800–1876)
© Photo 1870 J.E. Livernois — Public domain
Family tie with other documented individual

Elections or appointments outside the scope of PoliCan

Pre-Conf. Canada East (1834–1836)
Canadian Senate
Legis. Council
Governor Québec (1873–1876) Died in office
Deputy Minister
Auto. Region
Mayor/Reeve Québec, Québec (1834–1836; 1840–1846)
Mun./Co. Council Québec, Québec (1833–1834)
School Board

Electoral history

Race 0  
Path point 0  
Documented challenger


Online biographical references (3)

 Retrieved on
FR Quebec National Assembly
René-Édouard Caron
30 Mar 2024
FR Wikipédia
René-Édouard Caron
30 Mar 2024
EN Wikipedia
René-Édouard Caron
30 Mar 2024

© 2019, 2024 :: (Maurice Y. Michaud)
Pub.: 22 Jun 2019 17:01
Rev.: 30 Mar 2024 20:37 (but data presented dynamically)