Canada's electoral history from 1867 to today

Political figures by identity

by Maurice Y. Michaud (he/him)

Let's find...What's the cultural, religious, or sexual identity of politicians? Who are or were those who identified as indigenous? The compilation of this information within PoliCan is a work in progress. If you can provide evidence to support the addition of a name in any category, please step forward!

Statistics on the identity and diversity of the persons who have been elected can be found in the Legislatures section.

Political figures by category
Men → Elected → Alive or dead → United Church (269)  
Men: 269 ( 39)  
= Alive (39)   = Dead (230)
= In office (4)   = Died in office (3)
If → Today
If → Lived
Who Age Profile type
1. Herbert H. Acorn 71 Elected
2. William A. Acorn 51 Elected
3. A. Keith Alexander 51 Elected
4. Hugh Allan 83 Elected
5. Lucas R. Allen 85 Elected
6. Harvie Andre 72 Elected
7. T. Montague Annear 74 Elected
8. Lloyd N. Axworthy 84 Elected
9. Roger S. Bacon 95 Elected
10. W. Obadiah (Obie) Baizley 82 Elected
11. C. Cleveland Baker 81 Elected
12. George H. Barbour 83 Elected
13. Thomas S. Barnett 93 Elected
14. William D. Bayley 75 Elected
15. Morley M. Bell 82 Elected
16. R. Reginald Bell 78 Elected
17. Gordon L. Bennett 87 Elected
18. Richard B. Bennett 76 Elected
19. William G. Bennett 64 Elected
20. T. Whitfield Bentley 67 Elected
21. David A. Best 68 Elected
22. Frank C. Bezanson 65 Elected
23. Thomas W. Bird 75 Elected
24. Percy C. Black 83 Elected
25. Daniel Blaikie ±40 Elected
26. William A. Blaikie 71 Elected
27. Ray Boughen 85 Elected
28. Edward Brown 81 Elected
29. John L. Brown 86 Elected
30. William H. Brown 84 Elected
31. William Brown 73 Elected
32. Alexander F. Bruce 70 Elected
33. J. Callum Bruce 47 Elected
34. John M. Buchanan 88 Elected
35. George H.V. Bulyea 69 Elected
36. John O. (Jack) Burghardt 73 Elected
37. Gary C. Burrill ±69 Elected
38. C. Maxwell Button 70 Elected
39. John F. Cahan 39 Elected
40. Reginald T. Caldwell 53 Elected
41. Lorne A. Calvert 71 Elected
42. A.M. (Sandy) Cameron 66 Elected
43. Alexander W. Cameron 54 Elected
44. Daniel R. Cameron 48 Elected
45. Alexander B. Campbell 90 Elected
46. J.W. Don Campbell 82 Elected
47. Thane A. Campbell 83 Elected
48. John M. Cashore 89 Elected
49. James L. Christie 61 Elected
50. Edward W. Clark 92 Elected
51. Russell C. Clark 85 Elected
52. W. Keir Clark 100 Elected
53. Walter L.R. (Lee) Clark 71 Elected
54. Gilbert R. Clements 84 Elected
55. Kenneth J. Cochrane 85 Elected
56. Earl T. Collins 62 Elected
57. Douglas I. Cosman 86 Elected
58. Gordon S. Cowan 77 Elected
59. Robert F. Curran 74 Elected
60. J. Sinclair Cutcliffe 77 Elected
61. Wilfred T. Dauphinee 96 Elected
62. Frank R. Davis 60 Elected
63. Peter Dawson 70 Elected
64. Christopher R. Decker 73 Elected
65. James W. Dingwell 75 Elected
66. William H. Domm 69 Elected
67. Harvey O. Douglas 73 Elected
68. Robert A. Douglas 71 Elected
69. John Doull 90 Elected
70. Hanson T. Dowell 94 Elected
71. Ernest R. Draffin 73 Elected
72. C. Lewis W. Draper ±87 Elected
73. Ernest C. Drury 90 Elected
74. Stanley F. (Bush) Dumville 79 Elected
75. R. Allison Ellis 87 Elected
76. Glenn S. Ells 90 Elected
77. Ernest M. Ettinger 73 Elected
78. J. Albert Ettinger 94 Elected
79. Donald L. Faris 87 Elected
80. Francis M. Ferg 70 Elected
81. George J. Ferguson 80 Elected
82. Ralph F. Fiske 85 Elected
83. Hugh J. Flemming 83 Elected
84. David H. Ford 91 Elected
85. Andrew E. Foster 86 Elected
86. Harry S. Francis 61 Elected
87. William C. Frank 99 Elected
88. Charles J. Fraser 93 Elected
89. Donald J. Fraser 73 Elected
90. Osborne M. Fraser 58 Elected
91. James G. Gardiner 78 Elected
92. Lindsay C. Gardner 62 Elected
93. Gilbert H. Grant ±87 Elected
94. Gordon Graydon 56 Elected
95. Charles E. Greenlay 84 Elected
96. George A. Groeneveld 83 Elected
97. Frederick Groves 71 Elected
98. J. Maurice Hamilton 53 Elected
99. Thomas G. Hamilton 61 Elected
100. W. Homer Hamilton 84 Elected
101. James M. Harding 69 Elected
102. William J. Harrington 70 Elected
103. Gordon L.S. Hart 85 Elected
104. Henry D. Hicks 75 Elected
105. Robert A. Hoey 82 Elected
106. Donald C. Hollett 84 Elected
107. R. Fisher Hudson 78 Elected
108. Leslie S. Hunter 80 Elected
109. Clifford B. Huskilson 71 Elected
110. Harold M. Huskilson 91 Elected
111. Lloyd G. Hyde 65 Elected
112. Albert E. (Bud) Ings 89 Elected
113. George S. Inman 67 Elected
114. Frank Jardine 75 Elected
115. Byron I. (Boss) Johnson 73 Elected
116. George W. Johnson 80 Elected
117. Ralph W. Johnstone 96 Elected
118. Stanley H. Knowles 88 Elected
119. John S. (Bud) Lamont 79 Elected
120. James A. Langille 70 Elected
121. Gordon Lank 80 Elected
122. Frederic A. Large 84 Elected
123. John P. Lawrie 76 Elected
124. Bradford W. LePage 82 Elected
125. Thomas M. Linkletter 85 Elected
126. Guy M. Logan 87 Elected
127. George O. Lohnes 84 Elected
128. Robert N. Lowery 79 Elected
129. David S.H. MacDonald 87 Elected
130. Donald N. MacKay 75 Elected
131. J. George MacKay 80 Elected
132. Malcolm A. MacKay 80 Elected
133. Murdoch Mackay 78 Elected
134. Arthur W. MacKenzie 87 Elected
135. Walter G. MacKenzie 61 Elected
136. Dougald MacKinnon 83 Elected
137. Alvin H. Mackling 96 Elected
138. H. Wade MacLauchlan 69 Elected
139. Roderick MacLean 61 Elected
140. William N. MacLean 90 Elected
141. Robert A. MacLellan 86 Elected
142. Donald G. MacLeod 76 Elected
143. William A. MacLeod 77 Elected
144. Alexander S. MacMillan 84 Elected
145. Duncan MacMillan 71 Elected
146. Thomas MacNutt 79 Elected
147. William G. Martin 87 Elected
148. Doug Martindale 77 Elected
149. Alexander W. Matheson 72 Elected
150. John Claude Matheson 89 Elected
151. Murray A. McBride 89 Elected
152. Howard McConnell 71 Elected
153. John S. McDiarmid 82 Elected
154. Alexander H. (Hammy) McDonald 61 Elected
155. Hugh J. McGavin 83 Elected
156. Albert D. McGregor 78 Elected
157. Donald P. McInnes 81 Elected
158. Daniel McIvor 92 Elected
159. Donald G. McKenzie 76 Elected
160. Hugh McKenzie 87 Elected
161. J. Wallace McKenzie 85 Elected
162. John D. McKenzie 62 Elected
163. Daniel McLean 82 Elected
164. John R. McLean 58 Elected
165. Robert F. McLellan 74 Elected
166. James O. McLenaghen 58 Elected
167. Duncan L. McLeod 60 Elected
168. Philip McLeod 80 Elected
169. John E. McMillin ±65 Elected
170. George W. McPhee 91 Elected
171. William G. Medd 81 Elected
172. Charles H. Millard 82 Elected
173. Wallace C. Miller 63 Elected
174. Peter A.S. Milliken 77 Elected
175. Raymond Mitchell 86 Elected
176. Emil Moeller 84 Elected
177. G. Lorne Monkley 82 Elected
178. Alexander Montgomerie 49 Elected
179. Hugh B. Morrison 64 Elected
180. William Morrison 78 Elected
181. John Muirhead 76 Elected
182. John H. Myers 76 Elected
183. Alexander M. Nicholson 90 Elected
184. Peter John M. Nicholson 82 Elected
185. Peter M. Nicholson 67 Elected
186. Lorne E. Nystrom 78 Elected
187. Robert Oliphant 68 Elected
188. Leonard L. Pace 62 Elected
189. William L. Parrish 88 Elected
190. Weldon W. Patton 85 Elected
191. Howard R. Pawley 81 Elected
192. Lester B. Pearson 75 Elected
193. Forrest W. Phillips 85 Elected
194. Adalbert J.M. Poole 88 Elected
195. Dana H. Porter 66 Elected
196. Roderick B. Pratt 74 Elected
197. Gordon T. Purdy 86 Elected
198. Stephen T. Pyke 68 Elected
199. David J. Quest 60 Elected
200. Alfred E. Reid 63 Elected
201. Daniel S. Reid 79 Elected
202. John S. Ridley 52 Elected
203. George S. Riley 79 Elected
204. David M. Ritcey 52 Elected
205. Gerald C. Ritcey 87 Elected
206. Wishart M. Robertson 76 Elected
207. Brewer W. Robinson 58 Elected
208. Jonathan Robinson 53 Elected
209. Peter C. Rolston 69 Elected
210. John M. Roxburgh 74 Elected
211. Earl J. Rutledge 80 Elected
212. William P. Saunders 67 Elected
213. Ivan Schultz 82 Elected
214. Robert C. Schurman 47 Elected
215. George A. Scott 88 Elected
216. George N. Scott 48 Elected
217. Thomas H. Seens 94 Elected
218. Walter R. Shaw 93 Elected
219. Wesley J. Sheridan 64 Elected
220. C. Lemington (Lem) Shuttleworth 95 Elected
221. John E. Sinclair 69 Elected
222. Peter Sinclair 50 Elected
223. John S. Smiley 60 Elected
224. Albert E. Smith 76 Elected
225. Allison T. Smith 67 Elected
226. George I. Smith 73 Elected
227. Harold P. Smith 75 Elected
228. George A. Snow 96 Elected
229. Henry A.D. Somerville 82 Elected
230. Harley J. Spence 88 Elected
231. Norman T. Spence 92 Elected
232. William H. Spinks 75 Elected
233. Matthew J. Stanbridge 63 Elected
234. Harold E.J. Starkes 75 Elected
235. Tim Stevenson ±79 Elected
236. John A. Stewart 82 Elected
237. Lloyd C. Stinson 72 Elected
238. R. Laird Stirling 81 Elected
239. Kenneth Streatch 82 Elected
240. Herbert R. Sulkers 59 Elected
241. Matthew R. Sutherland 78 Elected
242. George Y. Thomas 57 Elected
243. G. Max Thompson 71 Elected
244. Roland J. Thornhill 88 Elected
245. Victor N. Thorpe 72 Elected
246. Gunnar S. Thorvaldson 68 Elected
247. Arthur L. Thurlow 107 Elected
248. Gordon A. Tidman 91 Elected
249. David A. Tilson 83 Elected
250. John H. Tory 70 Elected
251. Bradley G. Trivers 52 Elected
252. J. Floyd Tucker 83 Elected
253. Norman L. Turnbull 85 Elected
254. Ronald D. Turner 49 Elected
255. Earl W. Urquhart 50 Elected
256. Robert S. Vessey 62 Elected
257. Henry A. Waterman 83 Elected
258. J. Douglas Watt 71 Elected
259. Reuben J. Waugh 70 Elected
260. William G. Weir 75 Elected
261. John Wellbelove 95 Elected
262. William J. Westwood 74 Elected
263. Mathew Whynott 39 Elected
264. John C. Wickwire 94 Elected
265. Thomas Wigmore 80 Elected
266. Leonard J. Wood 91 Elected
267. Horace Wright 72 Elected
268. John Yap 64 Elected
269. Frederick M. Young 86 Elected

© 2019, 2024 :: (Maurice Y. Michaud)
Pub.: 19 Apr 2023 14:54
Rev.:  7 Jul 2024 13:59 (but data presented dynamically)