Canada's electoral history from 1867 to today

Political figures by identity

by Maurice Y. Michaud (he/him)

Let's find...What's the cultural, religious, or sexual identity of politicians? Who are or were those who identified as indigenous? The compilation of this information within PoliCan is a work in progress. If you can provide evidence to support the addition of a name in any category, please step forward!

Statistics on the identity and diversity of the persons who have been elected can be found in the Legislatures section.

Political figures by category
All genders (5,213)
Men (4,733)
Women (472)
Non binary (8)

Elected (4,274)
Elected or unelected (4,733)
Unelected (459)
Alive or dead (4,274)
Alive (969)
Dead (3,305)
Cultural (486)
Indigenous (150)
Religious (420)
Sexual (48)
Men → Elected → Alive → Judaism (35)  
Men: 35 ( 35)  
= Alive (35)   = Dead (0)
= In office (4)   = Died in office (0)
If → Today
If → Lived
Who Age Profile type
1. Mark Adler 62 Elected
2. Roman Baber ±44 Elected
3. David Berger 74 Elected
4. Lawrence S. Bergman 83 Elected
5. David Birnbaum 68 Elected
6. Harry Blank 99 Elected
7. Ruben (Ben) Carr ±38 Elected
8. David Chudnovsky ±75 Elected
9. Russell Copeman 64 Elected
10. Irwin Cotler 84 Elected
11. Howard M. Epstein 75 Elected
12. Ronald D. Ghitter 88 Elected
13. Cy Gonick 88 Elected
14. Richard S. Gotfried 65 Elected
15. David de Burgh Graham 42 Elected
16. Sidney Green 94 Elected
17. Charles A. Harnick 73 Elected
18. Anthony Housefather 51 Elected
19. Ralph Katzman 84 Elected
20. Michael S. Kerzner 63 Elected
21. Michael Levitt 54 Elected
22. Robert Libman 63 Elected
23. Stephen Mandel 78 Elected
24. Richard Marceau 53 Elected
25. Thomas W. Marshall 77 Elected
26. Ricardo Miranda 47 Elected
27. Arthur Mitchell 73 Elected
28. Martin B. Morantz 62 Elected
29. Joseph Oliver 84 Elected
30. Robert K. Rae 75 Elected
31. Daniel Ruimy ±62 Elected
32. Jacques Saada 76 Elected
33. Jonah Schein ±50 Elected
34. Peter Shurman 76 Elected
35. Gerald (Gerry) Weiner 91 Elected

© 2019, 2024 :: (Maurice Y. Michaud)
Pub.: 19 Apr 2023 14:54
Rev.:  7 Jul 2024 18:40 (but data presented dynamically)