Canada's electoral history from 1867 to today

Political figures by identity

by Maurice Y. Michaud (he/him)

Let's find...What's the cultural, religious, or sexual identity of politicians? Who are or were those who identified as indigenous? The compilation of this information within PoliCan is a work in progress. If you can provide evidence to support the addition of a name in any category, please step forward!

Statistics on the identity and diversity of the persons who have been elected can be found in the Legislatures section.

Political figures by category
All genders → Elected → Alive or dead → Protestant (189)  
Men: 180 ( 12)   Women: 9 ( 7)
= Alive (19)   = Dead (170)
= In office (3)   = Died in office (9)
If → Today
If → Lived
Who Age Profile type
1. Eiliv H. (Sonny) Anderson 87 Elected
2. George M. (Mac) Annable 84 Elected
3. James H. Argue 78 Elected
4. James O. Argue 66 Elected
5. Joseph M. Bannerman 82 Elected
6. Clifford Barclay 84 Elected
7. William B. Bashford 83 Elected
8. John H. Bell 56 Elected
9. Herbert G. Beresford 57 Elected
10. Carolyn I. Bertram 48 Elected
11. John F. Betts 59 Elected
12. Peter S. Bevan-Baker 62 Elected
13. William B. Beveridge 54 Elected
14. David R. Blake 82 Elected
15. Alfred Boultbee 72 Elected
16. D'Arcy E. Boulton 49 Elected
17. Thomas G. Bowerman 86 Elected
18. William F. Bredin ±80 Elected
19. John E. Britton 96 Elected
20. Jordan K.M. Brown 43 Elected
21. Stanley Bruce 76 Elected
22. Orlando Bush 75 Elected
23. Alfred H. Carroll 78 Elected
24. Horace B. Carver 75 Elected
25. Thomas L. Church 80 Elected
26. Austin L. Clarke 48 Elected
27. Edward F. Clarke 54 Elected
28. Rodney S. Clement 49 Elected
29. Albert H. Corbett 95 Elected
30. William M. Cottingham 78 Elected
31. James J. Craig 74 Elected
32. James Craig 51 Elected
33. George Crawford ±77 Elected
34. James Crawford 62 Elected
35. John W. Crawford 57 Elected
36. Joseph E. Crawford 86 Elected
37. William Crawford 49 Elected
38. Douglas W. Currie 63 Elected
39. Nicholas F. Davin 61 Elected
40. Thomas Deacon 78 Elected
41. William D. Dennison 76 Elected
42. Alexander C. DesBrisay 44 Elected
43. John H. Devitt 89 Elected
44. Valerie E. Docherty 61 Elected
45. Joan Dougherty 93 Elected
46. Mildred A. Dover 83 Elected
47. John K. Downes 64 Elected
48. Albert E. Draper 67 Elected
49. Simeon Duck 70 Elected
50. John C. Ebbs ±45 Elected
51. Sam Elkas 86 Elected
52. William Elliott 50 Elected
53. William Elliott ±71 Elected
54. Daniel D. Ellis 67 Elected
55. Thomas Foster 93 Elected
56. Stanley W. Fox 77 Elected
57. John B. Freeman 55 Elected
58. Thomas Gamey ±73 Elected
59. John Gilbert 84 Elected
60. Nathaniel Given 74 Elected
61. John H. Gray ±75 Elected
62. John Gray 80 Elected
63. R. Watson Grimmer 82 Elected
64. Thomas B. Guest 67 Elected
65. Alfred T. Gurd 73 Elected
66. Albert P. Hagar 97 Elected
67. Daniel R. Hamilton 73 Elected
68. John Hay 66 Elected
69. Joseph Howe 68 Elected
70. Oliver A. Howland 57 Elected
71. William P. Howland 95 Elected
72. Andrew S. Johnson 77 Elected
73. Albert E. Kemp 71 Elected
74. Arthur S. Kendall 83 Elected
75. John H. Kennedy 60 Elected
76. William Kerns 72 Elected
77. George C. Kitson 90 Elected
78. John H. Laird 84 Elected
79. George E. Langford 82 Elected
80. H. Frederick Lawrence 65 Elected
81. William Lees 81 Elected
82. Wallis W. LeFeaux 91 Elected
83. Antoine J. Léger 69 Elected
84. Edward A. Little 74 Elected
85. William C. Little ±61 Elected
86. George M. Loy 96 Elected
87. William W. Lynch 71 Elected
88. J. Heath MacDonald 58 Elected
89. William A. Macdonald 86 Elected
90. Elmer E. MacFadyen 64 Elected
91. Gordon MacInnis 78 Elected
92. Robert L. MacMillan 71 Elected
93. William J. Major 71 Elected
94. James A. Mathewson 73 Elected
95. Isaiah Mawhinney 82 Elected
96. D'Alton McCarthy 61 Elected
97. Leighton G. McCarthy 82 Elected
98. William McCleary 52 Elected
99. Neil McColman 73 Elected
100. John Charles J.S. McCorkill 65 Elected
101. Alexander McCuish 76 Elected
102. Walter C. McDonald 96 Elected
103. Leslie H. McDorman 87 Elected
104. J. Earl McEwen 93 Elected
105. David H. McFadden 79 Elected
106. Charles E. McGeoghegan 49 Elected
107. Peter R. McGibbon 67 Elected
108. D. Morris McGregor 80 Elected
109. J. Alan McIsaac 70 Elected
110. M. Earl McKellar 57 Elected
111. David McLellan 55 Elected
112. Norman L. McLeod 56 Elected
113. Daniel McNaughton 73 Elected
114. Charles D. McPherson 93 Elected
115. Arthur McQuade ±67 Elected
116. Henry S. Merrick ±90 Elected
117. Alexander P. Mewhinney 56 Elected
118. George W. Monk 78 Elected
119. Arthur T. Moug 76 Elected
120. William E. O'Brien 83 Elected
121. Oddur Olafson 84 Elected
122. Carlton J. Oliver 53 Elected
123. William R. Oliver 50 Elected
124. James Orr 79 Elected
125. George H. Palmer 65 Elected
126. John M. Parker 77 Elected
127. Frederick R. Parnell 82 Elected
128. Andrew Philps 72 Elected
129. John Pickard 59 Elected
130. Charles S. Pingle 47 Elected
131. John R. Pitt 85 Elected
132. James I. Pollock 91 Elected
133. G. Charles Porter 59 Elected
134. William F. Powell ±63 Elected
135. John W. Pratt 79 Elected
136. Josiah J. Preston 82 Elected
137. William Price 57 Elected
138. William E. Price 52 Elected
139. John A. Pringle 70 Elected
140. Anthony J. Reid ±85 Elected
141. Leonard M. Reilly 95 Elected
142. Russell E. Reinke 82 Elected
143. Robin M. Richardson 82 Elected
144. Alexander Robertson 49 Elected
145. James Robinson ±70 Elected
146. Clarke T. Rollins 84 Elected
147. E.J. Douglas Rollins 74 Elected
148. Henry S. Rungay 67 Elected
149. George S.A. Ryerson 70 Elected
150. Hugh G.E. Savage 75 Elected
151. Ernest W. Sayer 93 Elected
152. Robert C. Scatcherd 46 Elected
153. Thomas Scatcherd 52 Elected
154. William R. (Toby) Sexsmith 58 Elected
155. Evelyn F. Shannon 76 Elected
156. Donald Sharpe 90 Elected
157. Nelly Shin ±52 Elected
158. Marie Ann Shipley 81 Elected
159. Albert E. Simpson 80 Elected
160. Charles N. Skinner 77 Elected
161. Harry Slater 72 Elected
162. Robert H. Small 84 Elected
163. Charles A. Smart 69 Elected
164. Ernest A. Smith 87 Elected
165. Gordon E. Smith 86 Elected
166. John Smith 72 Elected
167. James Somerville 72 Elected
168. Nelson C. Spencer 66 Elected
169. Thomas S. Sproule 74 Elected
170. George W. Stephens 71 Elected
171. George W. Stephens 75 Elected
172. D. Craig Stewart 80 Elected
173. Bernard M. Stitt 61 Elected
174. Barry P. Strickland 44 Elected
175. Robert F. Sutherland 63 Elected
176. Charles A. Tanner 83 Elected
177. Charles J. Thornton 82 Elected
178. Robert S. Thornton 73 Elected
179. James Trimble ±68 Elected
180. Cathay Wagantall 68 Elected
181. Nathaniel C. Wallace 57 Elected
182. William A. Walsh 53 Elected
183. William Wedderburn 83 Elected
184. John White 61 Elected
185. James P. Whitney 70 Elected
186. Frederick W. Williams 75 Elected
187. Alice Wong 76 Elected
188. Arthur N. Worthington 49 Elected
189. Wai Young 64 Elected

© 2019, 2024 :: (Maurice Y. Michaud)
Pub.: 19 Apr 2023 14:54
Rev.:  2 Jul 2024 18:48 (but data presented dynamically)