Canada's electoral history from 1867 to today

Political figures by identity

by Maurice Y. Michaud (he/him)

Let's find...What's the cultural, religious, or sexual identity of politicians? Who are or were those who identified as indigenous? The compilation of this information within PoliCan is a work in progress. If you can provide evidence to support the addition of a name in any category, please step forward!

Statistics on the identity and diversity of the persons who have been elected can be found in the Legislatures section.

Political figures by category
All genders (5,203)
Men (4,723)
Women (472)
Non binary (8)

Elected (4,664)
Elected or unelected (5,203)
Unelected (539)
Alive or dead (4,664)
Alive (1,318)
Dead (3,346)
Cultural (697)
Indigenous (215)
Religious (535)
Sexual (79)
All genders → Elected → Alive → United Church (49)  
Men: 39 ( 39)   Women: 10 ( 10)
= Alive (49)   = Dead (0)
= In office (4)   = Died in office (0)
If → Today
If → Lived
Who Age Profile type
1. Lloyd N. Axworthy 84 Elected
2. Susan (Sue) Barnes 71 Elected
3. Daniel Blaikie ±40 Elected
4. Christine Boyle ? Elected
5. Betty Jean Brown 86 Elected
6. Gary C. Burrill ±69 Elected
7. Catherine S. Callbeck 84 Elected
8. Lorne A. Calvert 71 Elected
9. Alexander B. Campbell 90 Elected
10. John M. Cashore 89 Elected
11. Edward W. Clark 92 Elected
12. Douglas I. Cosman 86 Elected
13. Cheri DiNovo ±73 Elected
14. Stanley F. (Bush) Dumville 79 Elected
15. Glenn S. Ells 90 Elected
16. Donald L. Faris 87 Elected
17. Rosemary Godin ±71 Elected
18. George A. Groeneveld 83 Elected
19. Elizabeth M. (Libbe) Hubley 81 Elected
20. Clifford B. Huskilson 71 Elected
21. David S.H. MacDonald 87 Elected
22. Malcolm A. MacKay 80 Elected
23. Alvin H. Mackling 96 Elected
24. H. Wade MacLauchlan 69 Elected
25. Melinda J. MacLean 78 Elected
26. Doug Martindale 77 Elected
27. John Claude Matheson 89 Elected
28. Murray A. McBride 89 Elected
29. Peter A.S. Milliken 77 Elected
30. Peter John M. Nicholson 82 Elected
31. Lorne E. Nystrom 78 Elected
32. Robert Oliphant 68 Elected
33. David J. Quest 60 Elected
34. Daniel S. Reid 79 Elected
35. David M. Ritcey 52 Elected
36. Wesley J. Sheridan 64 Elected
37. Tim Stevenson ±79 Elected
38. Judy Streatch 57 Elected
39. Kenneth Streatch 82 Elected
40. Roland J. Thornhill 88 Elected
41. Gordon A. Tidman 91 Elected
42. David A. Tilson 83 Elected
43. John H. Tory 70 Elected
44. Bradley G. Trivers 52 Elected
45. J. Floyd Tucker 83 Elected
46. Robert S. Vessey 62 Elected
47. Mathew Whynott 39 Elected
48. Kathleen O. Wynne 71 Elected
49. John Yap 64 Elected

© 2019, 2024 :: (Maurice Y. Michaud)
Pub.: 19 Apr 2023 14:54
Rev.:  4 Jul 2024 08:25 (but data presented dynamically)