Canada's electoral history from 1867 to today

Political figures by identity

by Maurice Y. Michaud (he/him)

Let's find...What's the cultural, religious, or sexual identity of politicians? Who are or were those who identified as indigenous? The compilation of this information within PoliCan is a work in progress. If you can provide evidence to support the addition of a name in any category, please step forward!

Statistics on the identity and diversity of the persons who have been elected can be found in the Legislatures section.

Political figures by category
All genders → Elected → Dead → Baptist (115)  
Men: 114 ( 0)   Woman: 1 ( 0)
= Alive (0)   = Dead (115)
= In office (0)   = Died in office (4)
If → Today
If → Lived
Who Age Profile type
1. William B. Armstrong 70 Elected
2. Percival Baker 54 Elected
3. Ozro Baldwin 75 Elected
4. Joseph A. Bancroft ±75 Elected
5. Ronald T. Barkhouse 87 Elected
6. David F. Bethune 73 Elected
7. Henry R.L. Bill 72 Elected
8. William C. Bill 75 Elected
9. Joseph L. Black 78 Elected
10. Thomas R. Black 72 Elected
11. Frederick M. Blois 91 Elected
12. John C. Bowen 84 Elected
13. Charles M. Bullock 71 Elected
14. William S. Bullock 71 Elected
15. John A. Campbell 91 Elected
16. Joseph H. Casey 91 Elected
17. Prowse G. Chappell 80 Elected
18. Ezra A. Churchill 67 Elected
19. Charles F. Cooper 67 Elected
20. Howard W. Corning 45 Elected
21. Thomas E. Corning 70 Elected
22. Cyrus W. Crosby 81 Elected
23. John G. Diefenbaker 83 Elected
24. Thomas C. Douglas 81 Elected
25. John Dryden 69 Elected
26. John C. Elliott 69 Elected
27. Henry R. Emmerson 60 Elected
28. Henry R. Emmerson 70 Elected
29. James W. Estey 66 Elected
30. William H. Farnham 70 Elected
31. Donald Ferguson 70 Elected
32. Ronald M. Fielding 75 Elected
33. William S. Fielding 80 Elected
34. George Forbes 85 Elected
35. James F. Forbes 66 Elected
36. J. Frederick Fraser 72 Elected
37. Arthur D. Ganong 85 Elected
38. Gilbert W. Ganong 66 Elected
39. Albert Gayton 82 Elected
40. Ronald C. Giffin 78 Elected
41. Simon O. Giffin 64 Elected
42. Obediah P. Goucher 82 Elected
43. George E. Hagen 62 Elected
44. William L. Hall 81 Elected
45. Alfred H. Hawkins 74 Elected
46. Judson E. Hetherington 61 Elected
47. Gordon B. Isnor 87 Elected
48. John W. Jones 75 Elected
49. George G. King 91 Elected
50. George H. King 56 Elected
51. James H. King 82 Elected
52. Joseph R. Kinney 80 Elected
53. Paul E. Kinsman 83 Elected
54. David C. Landers 88 Elected
55. Malcolm S. Leonard 51 Elected
56. R. Clifford Levy 65 Elected
57. Robert D. Lindsay 79 Elected
58. Reginald O. Lissaman 66 Elected
59. Avard Longley 61 Elected
60. Floyd D. MacDonald 88 Elected
61. Alexander Mackenzie 70 Elected
62. Carleton L. MacMillan 74 Elected
63. John F. MacNeill 91 Elected
64. R. Lloyd G. MacPhail 75 Elected
65. Henry A. March 54 Elected
66. Joseph W. Margeson 45 Elected
67. John I. Marshall 77 Elected
68. Archibald J. (A.J.) McArthur 54 Elected
69. Robert B. McCready 74 Elected
70. John A. McDonald 72 Elected
71. Maynard F. McDonald 91 Elected
72. Peter McLaren ±67 Elected
73. Neil McLeod 72 Elected
74. Robert E. McLeod 86 Elected
75. Robert F. Miller ±96 Elected
76. Angus M. Morton 72 Elected
77. Maurice A. Nickerson 70 Elected
78. Moses H. Nickerson 98 Elected
79. George A. Nixon 75 Elected
80. George C. Nowlan 66 Elected
81. Elisha B. Paul ? Elected
82. Ernest E. Perley 70 Elected
83. William D. Perley 71 Elected
84. William E. Perley ±83 Elected
85. Norman H. Phinney 59 Elected
86. Gladys M. Porter 73 Elected
87. James L. Ralston 67 Elected
88. Leander Rand 72 Elected
89. Edgar N. Rhodes 65 Elected
90. Howard A. Rice 86 Elected
91. Arthur R. Richardson 73 Elected
92. Alexander D. Robertson 71 Elected
93. James E. Robertson 75 Elected
94. John H.H. Root 83 Elected
95. George G. Sanderson 79 Elected
96. George E. Saville 80 Elected
97. Archie B. Smith 55 Elected
98. Benjamin F. Smith 79 Elected
99. Charles A. Smith 60 Elected
100. Norman E. Smith 88 Elected
101. Raymond M. Smith 64 Elected
102. Larry Spencer 80 Elected
103. Bruce L. Stewart 74 Elected
104. Ernest H. Strong 74 Elected
105. Frank D. Swim 81 Elected
106. William Swim 86 Elected
107. Archibald Terris 64 Elected
108. Hiram Thomas 84 Elected
109. Charles Tupper 94 Elected
110. Allen E. Wall ±57 Elected
111. Howard P. Whidden 80 Elected
112. Matthew W. Wood 90 Elected
113. Aaron A. Wright 81 Elected
114. Charles F.R. (Johnnie) Young 58 Elected
115. Ross T. Young 59 Elected

© 2019, 2024 :: (Maurice Y. Michaud)
Pub.: 19 Apr 2023 14:54
Rev.:  7 Jul 2024 13:59 (but data presented dynamically)