Canada's electoral history from 1867 to today

Political figures by identity

by Maurice Y. Michaud (he/him)

Let's find...What's the cultural, religious, or sexual identity of politicians? Who are or were those who identified as indigenous? The compilation of this information within PoliCan is a work in progress. If you can provide evidence to support the addition of a name in any category, please step forward!

Statistics on the identity and diversity of the persons who have been elected can be found in the Legislatures section.

Political figures by category
All genders (5,197)
Men (4,717)
Women (472)
Non binary (8)

Elected (4,658)
Elected or unelected (5,197)
Unelected (539)
Alive or dead (5,197)
Alive (1,453)
Dead (3,744)
Cultural (1,638)
Indigenous (311)
Religious (3,695)
Sexual (116)
All genders → Elected or unelected → Alive or dead → Inuit (97)  
Men: 75 ( 63)   Women: 22 ( 21)
= Alive (84)   = Dead (13)
= In office (21)   = Died in office (0)
If → Today
If → Lived
Who Age Profile type
1. Eva Q. Aariak 69 Elected
2. Willie Adams 90 Elected
3. Mila Adjukak Kamingoak ? Elected
4. Leona Aglukkaq 57 Elected
5. David Akeeagok ? Elected
6. Pauloosie J. (P.J.) Akeeagok 39 Elected
7. Olayuk Akesuk ±59 Elected
8. Tony Akoak ±67 Elected
9. David Alagalak 80 Elected
10. Ovide Alakannuark 80 Elected
11. Titus Allooloo ±71 Elected
12. Bobby N. Anavilok ? Elected
13. Jack Iyerak Anawak 73 Elected
14. Patricia J. Angnakak ±62 Elected
15. Michael Angottitauruq ±73 Elected
16. Moses Appaqaq 78 Elected
17. Goo Mosa Arlooktoo 38 Elected
18. Joe Arlooktoo 85 Elected
19. Silas Arngna'naaq ? Elected
20. James T. Arreak 71 Elected
21. James Arvaluk ±68 Elected
22. Moses Aupaluktuq ? Elected
23. Levi Barnabas 60 Elected
24. Ernie Bernhardt ±80 Elected
25. Janet P. Brewster ±55 Elected
26. Levinia N. Brown ±77 Elected
27. Nellie J. Cournoyea 84 Elected
28. Tagak Curley ±80 Elected
29. Jeannie H. Ehaloak ? Elected
30. Monica I. Ell-Kanayuk ±70 Elected
31. Joe Enook ±61 Elected
32. Tommy Enuaraq ? Elected
33. Elijah Erkloo ? Elected
34. Lela M.A. Evans ? Elected
35. Joe Allen Evyagotailak 70 Elected
36. Donald Havioyak ±74 Elected
37. Lori Idlout 50 Elected
38. David Iqaqrialu 70 Elected
39. Piita T. Irniq 76 Elected
40. Enoki Irqittuq 69 Elected
41. Peter F.K. Ittinuar 74 Elected
42. David Joanasie 41 Elected
43. Joelie Kaernerk ? Elected
44. Nancy U. Karetak-Lindell 66 Elected
45. Peter Kattuk 69 Elected
46. Pauloosie Keyootak ±71 Elected
47. Ipeelee Kilabuk ±68 Elected
48. Peter Kilabuk 63 Elected
49. Mary Killiktee ? Elected
50. Adamee Komoartok ±70 Elected
51. George Kuksuk ±70 Elected
52. Lorne Q. Kusugak ±65 Elected
53. Adam A. Lightstone ? Elected
54. Solomon Malliki ? Elected
55. Steve Mapsalak 67 Elected
56. Simeon Mikkungwak ±56 Elected
57. Margaret Nakashuk ? Elected
58. Herbert Nakimayak ? Elected
59. Patterk Netser ? Elected
60. John Ningark 72 Elected
61. William Noah ±80 Elected
62. Samuel Nuqingaq ? Elected
63. Jobie Nutarak 58 Elected
64. Karen Nutarak ? Elected
65. Paul Okalik 60 Elected
66. Hezakiah Oshutapik ±63 Elected
67. Pauloosie Paniloo ±64 Elected
68. Enuk Pauloosie ±63 Elected
69. Calvin A. Pedersen ? Elected
70. Calvin P. Pokiak 69 Elected
71. Kenoayoak Pudlat ? Elected
72. Ludy Pudluk 76 Elected
73. Uriash Puqiqnak 78 Elected
74. David Q. Qamaniq 63 Elected
75. Mumilaaq Qaqqaq 30 Elected
76. Daniel Qavvik ? Elected
77. Emiliano Qirngnuq ? Elected
78. Rachel A. Qitsualik-Tinsley ±71 Unelected
79. Joanna Quassa ? Elected
80. Paul A. Quassa 72 Elected
81. George Q. Qulaut ±70 Elected
82. I. Joseph Quqqiaq ? Elected
83. Alexander Sammurtok ±72 Elected
84. Tom Sammurtok ±78 Elected
85. Joe Savikataaq 63 Elected
86. Elisapee Sheutiapik ? Elected
87. Isaac Shooyook ±85 Elected
88. Craig A. Simailak ? Elected
89. David Simailak ±72 Elected
90. Thomas Suluk 68 Elected
91. Louis Tapardjuk 71 Elected
92. Peter Taptuna 67 Elected
93. Kane Tologanak ? Elected
94. Hunter A. Tootoo 60 Elected
95. Q. Cathy Towtongie ? Elected
96. Jeannie K. Ugyuk ? Elected
97. Rebekah U. Williams 73 Elected

© 2019, 2024 :: (Maurice Y. Michaud)
Pub.: 19 Apr 2023 14:54
Rev.:  2 Jul 2024 19:20 (but data presented dynamically)