♂ Frederick R. Stagg

58552 · 4486
Type of record
Elected candidate
Known but unelected candidate
Perennial candidate
Not in office Performance: 80%
Newfoundland and Labrador 5 4 1
Birth Death Age Died in office
c. 1942 0 0000 ± 82 years No
Length of service in elected office
Legislature Total Government Opposition
Newfoundland and Labrador
Days years months days
3,530 9 7 30
Days years months days
3,383 9 3 3
Days years months days
147 0 4 24
The calculations in years, months and days are approximate and might be off by a few days due to the base date used for these calculations.
Electoral history
→ 5 recorded electoral participations
→ 6 electoral path points
→ 3 documented challengers:
Kevin Aylward  m 
William R. Callahan  m 
William J. MacNeil  m  (2 runoffs)
Ass.: 35
Newfoundland and Labrador Port au Port
28 October 1971 Age:
→ New to this legislature
General 1/2 PC 59.78% 4,057 of 6,787 Elig.: 7,368 Parti.: 93.50%
Loser > LIB 40.22% 2,730 (-1,327) William R. Callahan  m  ( 39 )
18 January 1972 > ?? LIB PC
ID: 14658(F) — 6 Jul 2023 09:36 ET Service: 0 year 4 months 24 days (Oppo.)
Ass.: 36
Newfoundland and Labrador Port au Port
24 March 1972 Age:
Re-elected incumbent
General 1/2 PC 65.78% 4,107 of 6,244 Elig.: 7,368 Parti.: 84.74%
Loser > LIB 34.22% 2,137 (-1,970) James E. Campbell  m 
ID: 14700(F) — 23 Jul 2021 15:24 ET Service: 3 years 5 months 22 days (Gov't)
Ass.: 37
Newfoundland and Labrador Port au Port
16 September 1975 Age:
Incumbent did not run in this election Exit from legislature →
Successor > LIB 56.31% 1,989 of 3,532 James E. Hodder  m  ( 34 )
ID: 14571(F) — 23 Jul 2021 15:24 ET
Ass.: 38
Newfoundland and Labrador Stephenville
18 June 1979 Age:
→ Returned to this legislature after hiatus
General 1/3 PC 51.15% 1,931 of 3,775 Elig.: 5,249 Parti.: 72.05%
Loser > LIB 42.28% 1,596 (-335) William J. MacNeil  m  ( 32 )
ID: 14530(F) — 23 Jul 2021 15:24 ET Service: 2 years 9 months 18 days (Gov't)
Ass.: 39
Newfoundland and Labrador Stephenville
6 April 1982 Age:
Re-elected incumbent
General 1/2 PC 56.21% 2,205 of 3,923 Elig.: 5,249 Parti.: 75.31%
Loser > LIB 43.79% 1,718 (-487) William J. MacNeil  m  ( 35 )
ID: 14478(F) — 23 Jul 2021 15:24 ET Service: 2 years 11 months 26 days (Gov't)
Ass.: 40
Newfoundland and Labrador Stephenville
2 April 1985 Age:
Defeated incumbent Exit from legislature →
General 2/3 PC 40.21% 1,690 of 4,203 Elig.: 5,346 Parti.: 78.86%
Winner > LIB 51.99% 2,185 (+495) Kevin Aylward  m  ( 24 )
ID: 14426(F) — 23 Jul 2021 15:24 ET
→ 1 online biographical reference
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EN Wikipedia: Frederick Stagg 12 Jun 2024
Rev.: 12 Jun 2024 @ 10:40 ET
Gen.: 27 Jul 2024 @ 03:14 ET