♂ Patrice Laplante

Roman Catholic   
34040 · 2016
Type of record
Elected candidate
Known but unelected candidate
Perennial candidate
Deceased Performance: 100%
Québec 2 2 0
Birth Death Lived Died in office
17 February 1929
(95 years 8 months ago)
6 August 2020
(4 years 2 months ago)
91 years 5 months No
Length of service in elected office
Legislature Total Government Opposition
Days years months days
3,302 9 0 15
Days years months days
3,302 9 0 15
Days years months days
0 0 0 0
Electoral history
→ 2 recorded electoral participations
→ 3 electoral path points
→ 2 documented challengers:
Lise Bacon  f 
Charles-Eugène Laforest  m 
Ass.: 31
Québec Bourassa
15 November 1976 Age:
→ New to this legislature
General 1/6 PQ 44.94% 14,465 of 32,184 Elig.: 37,403 Parti.: 88.04%
Loser > QLP 38.23% 12,303 (-2,162) Lise Bacon  f  ( 42 )
ID: 4613(F) — 24 Jul 2021 09:35 ET Service: 4 years 4 months 28 days (Gov't)
Ass.: 32
Québec Bourassa
13 April 1981 Age:
Re-elected incumbent
General 1/4 PQ 50.37% 15,597 of 30,966 Elig.: 37,435 Parti.: 83.81%
Loser > QLP 47.39% 14,674 (-923) Augustin Roy  m 
ID: 2190(F) — 24 Jul 2021 09:35 ET Service: 4 years 7 months 18 days (Gov't)
Ass.: 33
Québec Bourassa
2 December 1985 Age:
Incumbent did not run in this election Exit from legislature →
Successor > QLP 59.09% 15,727 of 26,616 Louise Robic  f  ( 50 )
ID: 1943(F) — 24 Jul 2021 09:35 ET
→ 1 online biographical reference
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FR Quebec National Assembly: Patrice Laplante 11 May 2024
Rev.: 11 May 2024 @ 00:31 ET
Gen.: 21 Oct 2024 @ 22:57 ET